Sunday, 17 June 2012 17:39 -
The tax advice is mainly aimed at reviewing the procedures adopted by companies to meet the tax requirements and tax collection, trying to give proper support and guidance.
Considering the constant changes in our legislation, our work also aims to monitor the operations of businesses, keeping them updated and minimizing the occurrence of possible tax contingencies, as well as recommending measures aimed at achieving tax savings.
In this area we have significant experience in such matters as:
• Direct and indirect taxes (Corporate);
• Labor legislation and social security;
• Foreign capital (registration, profit remittances, and others);
• Acquisitions and corporate restructuring;
• Tax planning;
• Review of Statements of Income fulfilling;
• Preventive audit in order to avoid tax contingencies;
• Evaluation of tax liability in the acquisition of companies.
In addition, we are able to make available to our clients, due to a law firm, specialized in tax law that works with us, a legal structure which is able to assist them to pursuit, at the Judiciary Power, the recovery of several taxes which were improperly collected by the companies, due to the current tax legislation.
In this area, the aim is to offer companies, a legal way to reduce income taxes through structured operations and based on what the law allows. This shall occur with the sale of a property, purchase of companies and even operations of the current year.
The recovery of taxes consists of reviewing the last five fiscal years of the company aiming to identify possible tax practices which were not adopted by the company concerning taxes on profit and on sales, and identify their ancillary obligations.
Tax Area Routines
Tax bookkeeping and calculation of direct and indirect taxes, preparation of receipts and statements required by the current tax legislation;
• Tax Accessory Obligations: Municipal, State and Federal;
• Fiscal SPED;
• Electronic Invoice.