

Our services in this area are to analyze and identify possible deviations from accounting principles adopted by companies; our goal is the adequacy of financial statements which were drawn up. This activity is very important for those who analyze such statements (banks, shareholders, suppliers and others) ensuring the consistency and reliability of the figures presented.

The financial statements are essential to the elaboration of the income tax statement and tax collection. Therefore, the accounting review enables the identification of possible expenses which shall not be recorded, income which had incentive and other accounting procedures that generate credits or tax reduction.

Accounting and Auditing are the largest portion of our activities and, accordingly, a predominant percentage of our staff is engaged in it. These services are divided into two categories:

  • Review of financial statements, focusing on the expression of an opinion (Auditors' Report issuing) thereon. In this case, a special attention will also be given to reviewing internal control systems, with a view to efficiency and security of the transactions recorded.
  • Limited review of financial statements, without being directed, necessarily, for the expression of our opinion, depending on the nature and the purpose of work. In this case, reports are usually issued detailing the audit procedures performed and the results of these reviews, highlighting the adequacy and consistency of accounting practices adopted.

Irmãos Campos & Cerboncini - Auditores Associados, albeit with its own methodology, uses in its work the same focus and international auditing standards being authorized to provide services to Financial Companies, Insurance Companies, Housing Companies, Pension, Trusts, Industry, Trade, Services, Public Enterprises, and others.


It involves the survey and analysis of control procedures and work routines in order to identify and remove possible flaws in existing controls, which may influence or impair the activities of companies, resulting in delays, diversions or inefficiency of the sectors involved. Recommendations shall be presented to correct the deficiencies found.

It should be noted that many managers mistakenly believe that the controls used by their companies are the best. In our opinion, analyzes and implements should be performed periodically, keeping in mind the adequacy of such controls related to the needs and the growth of companies.


Our work will be focused on the audit of management and administrative controls, as well as to perform special services to be developed in order to detect any gaps in control systems deployed in key operational areas of companies.

This work systematic brings as benefit a greater independence of the work performed, as well as, it shall be proved to be less costly than maintaining a staff of internal auditors.


In this area we have trained professionals to take part of promotions and drawings, including the monitoring of coupons printing, analysis of the degree of reliability of systems used in promotions and accompanying drawings

Our work has been monitored and certified by Caixa Econômica Federal, through its division of promotions and drawings.